Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sims 4 Aspirations (preview)

If you haven't pre-ordered SIMS 4 ...  and you haven't had the chance to get a sneak peek at Create-A-Sim...   you haven't seen the Aspirations yet!   So I thought I would take a little time (or a lot of time, actually) and share them with you!

These are all cropped screen shots I did today ....

First I need to explain that in SIMS 4 (so far) ... you pick your "Aspiration" which is like your Lifetime Wish in SIMS 3 ... and when you pick the Aspiration, you automatically get a trait.  Like for MASTER CHEF you automatically get the ESSENCE OF FLAVOR trait.  Then you can pick three additional traits.

I am only posting the SIMS 4 ASPIRATIONS in this blog.  I will post the traits in another one :)

Sooooooooo ......... here we go........  there are 23 different aspirations in 10 categories ....

The bonus trait is: High Metabolism.
There is only one aspiration: Bodybuilder

The bonus trait is: Muser.
There is three different aspirations: Bestselling Author, Musical Genius, Painter Extraordinaire

The bonus trait is: Dastardly
There is two different aspirations: Chief of Mischief, Public Enemy

The bonus trait is: Domestic
There is two different aspirations: Big Happy Family, Successful Lineage

The bonus trait is: Essence of Flavor
There is two different aspirations: Master Chef, Master Mixologist

The bonus trait is: Business Savvy
There is two different aspirations: Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron

The bonus trait is: Quick Learner
There is three different aspirations: Computer Whiz, Nerd Brain, Renaissance Sim

The bonus trait is: Alluring
There is two different aspirations: Hopeful Romantic, Soulmate

The bonus trait is: Collector
There is three different aspirations:  Angling Ace, Freelance Botanist, The Curator

The bonus trait is: Gregarious
There is three different aspirations: Friend of the World, Joke Star, Party Animal

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