I went to the meet and greet and had some fun....
I met this guy named Garrison and he was super cool....
I was the smartest one in class....
Then I happened to join this one site and ended up meeting this guy named Marco who was fine as hell.... we hit it off pretty good...
I was still the smartest one in class....
I got to write on the board ...
I raised hell by getting on my soapbox!
I met guys online and then kissed them when I first met them in the park... this one is Garry
He was shocked when I kissed him, but then he pulled me to him and kissed me back!
it was a great kiss! So just to kiss him again, I told him I wanted to take a pic of us with my cell phone!
Date night and I wanted to get a picture of me!
I made friends with my Sorority Sisters - this is Cora
Marco and I went bowling....
I turned out to be really good....
Marco, not so much .... .
But I had a great time, so I kissed him!
He told me how much fun he had!
I wrote love letters to Marco, Garry, Garrison and new guy I met online named Scot!
I worked out!
Went to bon fine parties!
Had a party of my own where I hung out mostly with my BFF Holly ...
Realized that either Marco was God or the Devil because he could stand on water AND his shadow was super weird....
Got to go out on my date with Scot - and he was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ...
We had so much in common and I was just head over heels for him....
So I took our picture... and then....
I went in for the kiss - and boy did I take him by surprise!!
He looked so shocked after - I thought I blew it...
We ended up going out to eat and then found ourselves back at the pool and jumped in the photo booth to take our pictures, when the heat in there was too much and ... well... WOO-HOO!!!
I put all my pictures above my bed... first there is me on my date night, then under that is Garry and I kissing in the park, then it's Cora and I before my date, back at the top it's Marco and I out on the date, then Holly and I at the pool party, bottom is me after my work out ... next to that is Scot and I and then the photo booth pictures of Scot and I....
The thing with Scot felt sooooooo real, I was actually sad to wake up ...
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