Sunday, August 31, 2014

CAS: Cromwell Boys (Mortimer & Xaiver Cromwell)

For the second set of SIMS I created in the SIMS 4 CAS DEMO .... I thought, I want to make a gay couple.  That would be AWESOME!!!

Simple way to find the SIMS (and CC when I get into it) that I create is just looking up (hashtag) #wws (WeepingWillowSIM)

So I created these guys.....


He has the Aspiration of:

Bonus Trait of:

Other Traits:


He has the Aspiration of:

Bonus Trait of:

Other Traits:

So I successfully created my gay couple and figured I'd had to "label" their relationship as "roommates" but NO...........  I was shocked and happy to find they could be married!

Be sure to look for CROMWELL BOYS on the Sims 4 Gallery!!
Hashtags: #married, #guys, #gaycouple, #couple, #wws, #demo
Created by: WeepingWillowSIM

Friday, August 29, 2014

Sims 4 Traits (preview)

If you haven't pre-ordered SIMS 4 ...  and you haven't had the chance to get a sneak peek at Create-A-Sim...   you haven't seen the Aspirations or Traits yet!   So I thought I would take a little time (or a lot of time, actually) and share them with you!

These are all cropped screen shots I did today ....

First I need to explain that in SIMS 4 (so far) ... you pick your "Aspiration" which is like your Lifetime Wish in SIMS 3 ... and when you pick the Aspiration, you automatically get a trait.  Like for MASTER CHEF you automatically get the ESSENCE OF FLAVOR trait.  Then you can pick three additional traits.

This blog is the SIMS 4 TRAITS ... if you would like to see the SIMS 4 ASPIRATIONS, click on the link, it's in another blog.

Sooooooooo ......... here we go........  there are 35 different traits in 4 categories ....  not counting the 10 hidden traits attached to the Aspirations there are, so adding those in, you have 45 possible traits to choose from.

The HIDDEN TRAITS connected to the ASPIRATIONS are as follows.

The FOUR type of traits you can choose from are:  Emotional, Hobby, Lifestyle and Social.  There are 9 traits in the Emotional, 6 traits in the Hobby, 11 traits in the Lifestyle and 9 in the Social.





Hope you enjoyed the sneak peeks into the Aspirations and the Traits!