Saturday, March 16, 2013

Love Sisters - Chapter 2: Ode to College

When college started, let me tell you - we couldn't be MORE excited.  We joined a Sorority....  Tri Gamma Zata ...  So we got to move into the Sorority House ...  these are a bunch of our Sisters on move in day.
First thing Rose and I did was dive in the pool!  Can you believe it???  Our house has it's own POOL!

We went to the welcoming ceremony ....  Another guy was dressed up as the Llama this time.  But he told us about college, what we could expect, what we should be prepared for, how hard work it is, the fun side of college, the making of new friends... and just everything.   A lot of people fell asleep during it but Rose and I were engrossed on every word.
 Afterwards we got to know some girls who weren't in our Sorority.
 Rose and I were eager to earn our keep in the house, so she started cooking and I made sure the dishes got done.
 In my free time I started writing.  The first book I wrote was a fiction novel called College Co-Ed's.  I wrote a few more while in college too.  Including Lover's Lane, a romance, and another one called Couples Retreat.  By the time I wrote the third one, my second one was on the Big Town Bestseller List...  and I was earning ... A LOT!
 In Rose's free time ... she would draw on whatever she could.  Literally - whatever!   She made some new friends - quick.  She was part of the Rebel crowd and I was more in the Geek one.  But...  we associated with everyone a like.  Even the Jocks.
It seemed like we were invited every night to bonfire parties, or keggers ...  but half the time they were duds as parties go and we were bored.  But we'd at least go and make appearances....
 Rose found she really, really loved cooking.  She'd make dinner and dessert ... and everyone loved her for it.
 But I started to worry once I saw her tagging buildings.  I know it was against the rules, sorta - but she was good at it.
 And she got this weird following ....
 Oh and we got a maid........ a lady named Bonehilda ... and she was ... literally ... bones!  Eek!  But we got to be friends.
 One night I opened our door to this guy, and I was immediately taken aback.  Seriously!
And then when I looked up in the thundering sky, I saw it........ a rainbow, and I couldn't help but feel like he was sent to me, to be with me, and he would reach into my aching heart and help me heal.
 So I kissed him.  Out of the blue I just totally kissed him.  I don't know what came over me, it wasn't like me at all, but I did it.  And it was GOOD....  it was my first kiss, ever..
 And to my surprise, after he got over a little bit of shock, he pulled me to him....
And he kissed me back!
By the way, his name is Bradford Stetson.  Turns out he's from a ranching town called .. well, Rancherville.  Turns out it's only a couple hours way from Three Rivers.  We played ping pong and talked a lot.  Turns out he likes to cook like my sister does, and he loves the outdoors.  He likes things tidy and he wants a family someday soon, after he finds the right girl ... then he winked at me.   But he's super smart too, so we can talk about anything and I don't have to feel like I need to dumb it down.  And he likes to be a Mr. Fix-it too.  He's just so amazing, I swear... I'm head over heels already in love.
 Rose made us some cheeseburgers before she ran off to a party and we just sat the table and talked for awhile.
I told him about the house Rose and I have, and he told me that he'd get his Dad and his brothers to come make it more livable for me if I wanted.  I nodded, I had a little money now - I definitely wanted! ...
 I asked him if he wanted to stay the night, and he decided to be a gentleman and stay in the spare room we have at the house for guests.  So I went back to my room and worked on my latest steamy whore fiction.... er... I mean romance.  This one is called The Bachelor and it's filled with a bunch of horny people, lots of sex. I think I need to do the deed and lose the virginity so I can make it more realistic.  After all - you need to have some experience to write about it, right?   No?   You get enough from trashy movies?  Well....  just go with me!
 So by the time the sun was peeking out, I got a little sleep and I snuck into Bradford's bedroom and sat on the bed while he was sleeping.  To my surprise, he was talking in his sleep, about marrying ME!  I couldn't believe it.  He already wants to marry me????
 When he woke up I told him what I had overheard and he admitted he was already falling for me too!  We kissed so much!!  We're both so excited.
 So when I was taking a picture of the two of us....  DUCKFACE! ...  He totally asked me if we got married soon, if I wanted to have kids right away? ...... I about dropped dead....
 When Rose and I were initiated as full sisters to the sorority, I told her.
 I said "Rose, what do you think of Brad?"  She admitted she liked him, he seemed like a good guy.   So I told her, "we've talked so much and things are pretty serious already, I think he's going to ask me to marry him soon."  She got so upset and walked off.  I think I heard her say something about "wrecking everything" under her breath.

 I'm so afraid I have damaged my relationship with my sister ....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor Rose!! :( LOL! The rainbow is way cool! And the guy looks a lot like Dennis - weird! LOLOL! Thanks for the shout out to my dirty, dirty Bachelor Sims! LMAO!